Focus on Being Loved
Dr. Kluane Spake
What is love to you? They asked Jesus, "Teacher, which is the GREATEST commandment in the law?" Jesus replied, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your sol and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is LIKE IT: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the laws and prophets hang on these tow commandments."
1. Love God
2. Love others.
3. Love yourself as you love others and God.
LOVE GOD: This is a huge topic but one that Jesus summed up when He said, "If you love me, you will do what I say." We must learn to obey the Scriptures and DO them.
LOVE OTHERS: The Scriptural purposes of prosperity are ultimately about loving others - social transformation brings about the reform of the Kingdom. This is the God kind of love that confers blessings to others. With a loving state of consciousness we can transform society. This transforming love has no expectation of return.
This God kind of love should be a central part of our meditation and confession. We must love others in the same way that Jesus loves us. Jesus came, died, and rose again to demonstrate the Father's love to us. We are imitators of God and He gave Himself up for us (Eph. 5:1-2).
Remember -- faith works by love. Love is the fuel for your life of success.
Understanding the Divine purpose of your life is the imperative that will navigate the rest of your life!
LOVE YOURSELF: Well, the first two parts seem easy for believers. It's that last one... "love yourself" where most fail. Most of this book will be dedicated to changine your mindset about yourself and your surroundings.
We can't truly love others without FIRST loving ourselves (love others AS you already love yourself). Most of us wonder HOW God could love us at all - it's a wonder! Especially when we know who we really are. But, if you don't love yourself, then Prosperity will be difficult. Without loving yourself, your purpose on earth can never be fully activated.
Right now, do you feel unreservedly loved and cared for?
How does it "feel" to be loved? How do you know when someone loves you?
What it means to you to love someone else? How do you express love?
What you believe about being genuinely, unconditionally, and eternally loved will create your belief system and your character.
Your concepts of love come first from your parents and environment. Your perceptions about how you were loved and treated as a young person have created a "mind set" within you - that is the main factor that formed your personality and character right now. YOu mindset it the expression of who you are.
If you mindset believes that you have to make everyone happy for them to love you, then you will just always run around trying and failing to make them happy.
Experiences of rejection, guilt, and shame can profoundly affect you. If you think you have to conform (mind, obey) to be loved, or have to earn love by "doing" something, it will prevent you from understanding your purpose.
When you learn to love yourself, the way you relate to others will change. Your environment will change. You are unique and one of a kind. When you realize who you are, your soul will shout, sing, and dance! Knowing you are LOVED gives you identity. It gives you hope in your future.
1. God loved you when you were a sinner and still spiritually dead.
2. Jesus died for you because HE loves you.
3. The final prayer of Jesus was, "I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have LOVED THEM EVEN AS YOU HAVE LOVED ME" (Jn. 17:23). Did you see that? God loves you as much as HE loves .... Jesus! How can you fathom that? We must absorb the truth that Christ is IN US -- in you and me.
Our all-powerful God doesn't prefer some people more than others. In the book of Galatians 2:6-9, Paul talks about Peter, James and John as the pillars of the church. Yet, he said about them, "Whatever they were, it makes no difference to me; God shows personal favoritism to no one."
IF you don't love yourself and think of yourself as special, you are saying that God is wrong in dying for you. Learning to love and accept yourself changes the way other people relate to you! You'll find a huge difference as you progress in this self-love.
Out of a God of Love, all things were created. He knew you before the foundation of the world and He ALREADY wrote your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. The Holy Spirit is calling you to a finished place. There is no pushing or tugging -- just a call to come closer.
You may not always "feel" loved, but God simply promises that NOTHING will ever separate you from His love (Rom. 8:35-39).
God created you exactly you. You are incredibly special. Psalm 139:13 (NLT) explains that...Every day of your life was recorded in God's book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Notice that God has a great plan for every day of your life.
God can and will do the impossible through you, or He isn't God. Loving yourself is a PIVOTAL understanding for you to obtain your full spiritual heritage!
The purpose of life itself is all about learnng to love and be loved! The Greatest factor in obtaining a prosperous life, is to know without doubt that God loves you, listens to you, cares for, accepts, and connects you to Himself, His unfathomable love, and His sincere care continually reach out to fill you with Himself.
If you don't "KNOW" you are loved, you will not be able to fully express love or properly dispense Prosperity. Loving yourself brings harmony and synchronicity to your life. Everything else will fall into line.
Prosperity means that you intentionally align yourself with the SOURCE - which is the God of Love. Align yourself to His holy Word and dare to believe it!
Your beliefs, expectations, and feelings about who you are will create your world.
You cannot focus on Kingdom prosperity until you have an awareness of already being fully accepted by God - right now. Unworthiness, doubt, and pessimism limits the possibilities of your future. Negative thoughts about others wastes energy and short circuits your success.
You are individually created with God's image and likeness. The primary reality that each believer must have is to know that the God of love dwells within. You are not God, but you can be the manifestation of God on this earth.
Jesus told us His LOVE secret two thousand years ago, and it still is the only answer. If you choose to view your life as one of LOVE, you activate everything to respond back. Reciprosity is Kingdom language - you reap what you sow.
God's ultimate purpose for you and through you is to know yourself IN CHRIST and Christ IN You. When you are secure in being loved, you can focus on what your purpose!
We're not talking about being self-centered and selfish. This is not about being SELF serving. We're talking about you learning to love yourself so that you CAN fully love God and others. Only then, will you have a right motivation to be able to proceed into obtaining your destiny!
Loving God, loving yourself, and loving others is the Great Commission of your life.
Having success in life demands that you love yourself, love others, and love God. That's how you you fulfill your God planned destiny.
It is not more holy or more noble to deny your mind, deny your soul, or deny your body. We are supposed to integrate ourselves and co-exist as one functioning unit.
It does not make you closer to God to be poor or sick. If you live in unexpressed potential or function, you will be unhappy. It is absolutely Scriptural that you would want to enjoy your life.
You must totally get rid of any trace of the notion that there is or may be any force in the universe - or any poverty minded deity who wants to keep you poor and/or sick, or who is able to make you poor, or who's objectives can possibly be served by keeping you in poverty or sickness.
And also, you need to illuminate all fear that YOU have to "GET GOD'S APPROVAL" He already does love you, accept you, and approve of you. It is His ultimate desire that you finish your course and be successful.
"The Bible says I am as important to God as Peter, James and John. God loves me as much as He loves Billy Graham. YES, He does!
The cloud of witnesses stands on tiptoe looking over their heavenly balcony just waiting to see the astounding things I will achieve for the glory of God. I am as spiritually blessed as anyone else. I expect to be blessed. The Lord wants to make me a powerful force in His Kingdom."
Love is not a state to be achieved, but a recognition of a condition. You are already loved and therefore, you are love.