Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Focus on Being Loved

Focus on Being Loved
Dr. Kluane Spake

What is love to you? They asked Jesus, "Teacher, which is the GREATEST commandment in the law?" Jesus replied, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your sol and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is LIKE IT: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the laws and prophets hang on these tow commandments."

1. Love God
2. Love others.
3. Love yourself as you love others and God.

LOVE GOD: This is a huge topic but one that Jesus summed up when He said, "If you love me, you will do what I say." We must learn to obey the Scriptures and DO them.

LOVE OTHERS: The Scriptural purposes of prosperity are ultimately about loving others - social transformation brings about the reform of the Kingdom. This is the God kind of love that confers blessings to others. With a loving state of consciousness we can transform society. This transforming love has no expectation of return.

This God kind of love should be a central part of our meditation and confession. We must love others in the same way that Jesus loves us. Jesus came, died, and rose again to demonstrate the Father's love to us. We are imitators of God and He gave Himself up for us (Eph. 5:1-2).

Remember -- faith works by love. Love is the fuel for your life of success.

Understanding the Divine purpose of your life is the imperative that will navigate the rest of your life!

LOVE YOURSELF: Well, the first two parts seem easy for believers. It's that last one... "love yourself" where most fail. Most of this book will be dedicated to changine your mindset about yourself and your surroundings.

We can't truly love others without FIRST loving ourselves (love others AS you already love yourself). Most of us wonder HOW God could love us at all - it's a wonder! Especially when we know who we really are. But, if you don't love yourself, then Prosperity will be difficult. Without loving yourself, your purpose on earth can never be fully activated.

Right now, do you feel unreservedly loved and cared for?

How does it "feel" to be loved? How do you know when someone loves you?

What it means to you to love someone else? How do you express love?

What you believe about being genuinely, unconditionally, and eternally loved will create your belief system and your character.

Your concepts of love come first from your parents and environment. Your perceptions about how you were loved and treated as a young person have created a "mind set" within you - that is the main factor that formed your personality and character right now. YOu mindset it the expression of who you are.

If you mindset believes that you have to make everyone happy for them to love you, then you will just always run around trying and failing to make them happy.

Experiences of rejection, guilt, and shame can profoundly affect you. If you think you have to conform (mind, obey) to be loved, or have to earn love by "doing" something, it will prevent you from understanding your purpose.

When you learn to love yourself, the way you relate to others will change. Your environment will change. You are unique and one of a kind. When you realize who you are, your soul will shout, sing, and dance! Knowing you are LOVED gives you identity. It gives you hope in your future.

1. God loved you when you were a sinner and still spiritually dead.

2. Jesus died for you because HE loves you.

3. The final prayer of Jesus was, "I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have LOVED THEM EVEN AS YOU HAVE LOVED ME" (Jn. 17:23). Did you see that? God loves you as much as HE loves .... Jesus! How can you fathom that? We must absorb the truth that Christ is IN US -- in you and me.

Our all-powerful God doesn't prefer some people more than others. In the book of Galatians 2:6-9, Paul talks about Peter, James and John as the pillars of the church. Yet, he said about them, "Whatever they were, it makes no difference to me; God shows personal favoritism to no one."

IF you don't love yourself and think of yourself as special, you are saying that God is wrong in dying for you. Learning to love and accept yourself changes the way other people relate to you! You'll find a huge difference as you progress in this self-love.

Out of a God of Love, all things were created. He knew you before the foundation of the world and He ALREADY wrote your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. The Holy Spirit is calling you to a finished place. There is no pushing or tugging -- just a call to come closer.

You may not always "feel" loved, but God simply promises that NOTHING will ever separate you from His love (Rom. 8:35-39).

God created you exactly you. You are incredibly special. Psalm 139:13 (NLT) explains that...Every day of your life was recorded in God's book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Notice that God has a great plan for every day of your life.

God can and will do the impossible through you, or He isn't God. Loving yourself is a PIVOTAL understanding for you to obtain your full spiritual heritage!

The purpose of life itself is all about learnng to love and be loved! The Greatest factor in obtaining a prosperous life, is to know without doubt that God loves you, listens to you, cares for, accepts, and connects you to Himself, His unfathomable love, and His sincere care continually reach out to fill you with Himself.

If you don't "KNOW" you are loved, you will not be able to fully express love or properly dispense Prosperity. Loving yourself brings harmony and synchronicity to your life. Everything else will fall into line.

Prosperity means that you intentionally align yourself with the SOURCE - which is the God of Love. Align yourself to His holy Word and dare to believe it!

Your beliefs, expectations, and feelings about who you are will create your world.
You cannot focus on Kingdom prosperity until you have an awareness of already being fully accepted by God - right now. Unworthiness, doubt, and pessimism limits the possibilities of your future. Negative thoughts about others wastes energy and short circuits your success.

You are individually created with God's image and likeness. The primary reality that each believer must have is to know that the God of love dwells within. You are not God, but you can be the manifestation of God on this earth.

Jesus told us His LOVE secret two thousand years ago, and it still is the only answer. If you choose to view your life as one of LOVE, you activate everything to respond back. Reciprosity is Kingdom language - you reap what you sow.

God's ultimate purpose for you and through you is to know yourself IN CHRIST and Christ IN You. When you are secure in being loved, you can focus on what your purpose!

We're not talking about being self-centered and selfish. This is not about being SELF serving. We're talking about you learning to love yourself so that you CAN fully love God and others. Only then, will you have a right motivation to be able to proceed into obtaining your destiny!

Loving God, loving yourself, and loving others is the Great Commission of your life.

Having success in life demands that you love yourself, love others, and love God. That's how you you fulfill your God planned destiny.

It is not more holy or more noble to deny your mind, deny your soul, or deny your body. We are supposed to integrate ourselves and co-exist as one functioning unit.

It does not make you closer to God to be poor or sick. If you live in unexpressed potential or function, you will be unhappy. It is absolutely Scriptural that you would want to enjoy your life.

You must totally get rid of any trace of the notion that there is or may be any force in the universe - or any poverty minded deity who wants to keep you poor and/or sick, or who is able to make you poor, or who's objectives can possibly be served by keeping you in poverty or sickness.

And also, you need to illuminate all fear that YOU have to "GET GOD'S APPROVAL" He already does love you, accept you, and approve of you. It is His ultimate desire that you finish your course and be successful.

"The Bible says I am as important to God as Peter, James and John. God loves me as much as He loves Billy Graham. YES, He does!

The cloud of witnesses stands on tiptoe looking over their heavenly balcony just waiting to see the astounding things I will achieve for the glory of God. I am as spiritually blessed as anyone else. I expect to be blessed. The Lord wants to make me a powerful force in His Kingdom."

Love is not a state to be achieved, but a recognition of a condition. You are already loved and therefore, you are love.

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Stop Complaining And Start Gaining

Stop Complaining And Start Gaining
By Bob Gass

Do everything without complaining
Philippians 2:14 NIV

Two groups of psychology students were wired for recording purposes, and assigned a period to socialise freely. One group knew the experiment would measure the level of complaining in normal conversation; the other group did not. Afterwards, both groups were shocked by how frequently they complained. The group in the know complained almost as much as the group unaware of what the experiment was aiming to achieve. It's the oldest response in the book - literally! Confronted with our choices and actions, we spontaneously start complaining: 'It was their fault, not mine; If they hadn't… I wouldn't have.' Adam needed no lessons in the art of complaining. Caught red-handed, he told God, '…The woman whom You gave… me, she gave me… and I ate." … the woman [Eve]… said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate" ' (Genesis 3:12-13 NAS).

Neither accepted responsibility for their choices. And since God doesn't help people who won't be responsible, He threw the complainers out of Paradise. If they ever subsequently 'got it' regarding complaining, they didn't transmit it to their offspring, Israel: 'Now the people complained… in the hearing of the Lord… his anger was aroused. Then fire… consumed… the outskirts of the camp' (Numbers 11:1 NIV). Notice, all complaining is 'in the hearing of the Lord', and He clearly doesn't want to hear it! Paul writes, 'Do not complain as some of them did; they were killed by the angel that destroys. The things that happened to those people are examples… written down to teach us… ' (1 Corinthians 10:10-11 NCV). Clean up your verbal act! Decide to detect, reject and eject all complaining from your vocabulary.

Complaining is toxic. It contaminates both the complainer and everyone within earshot. Sometimes we think we're helping by complaining. We maintain, 'If somebody doesn't say something, nothing's ever going to change!' - as though positive change can come from negative words. We imagine we've contributed something worthwhile by our complaint. But complaining is what we do to avoid facing, dealing with and solving the problem. It's what we do instead of contributing to constructive change, and it makes us part of the problem instead of the solution. The more you complain the more problem-focused you become, and the more problem-focused you become the more you complain. Ultimately, your complaining affects you more than anyone else.

The Psalmist said, '… I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed… ' (Psalm 77:3 NKJV). If no one else pays attention to your words, you do. Before you say them you think them: '… out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks' (Matthew 12:34 NKJV). And when you say them, you hear them and believe them just as you would the words of a trusted authority. Every time you repeat them you reinforce their power over you until eventually you make yourself the victim of your own complaints! Your spirit (attitude) will be overwhelmed, not by the problems and difficulties people bring to you, but as the self-inflicted product of your own complaints. So, 'Do all things without complaining… that you may become blameless and harmless… without fault in… a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world' (Philippians 2:14-15 NKJV).

Isn't complaining really just about words? No, it's much more than that!

First, complaining hands your power over to the people and circumstances you complain about, making you feel like their victim. It diminishes your ability to think of solutions, conditions your mind negatively, and blunts your ability to receive creative ideas from God. Positive outcomes don't grow in negative soil! You can't complain and create simultaneously. 'Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring… can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs?… ' (James 3:11-12 NIV). Complaints are verbal expressions of negative beliefs. They cancel positive intentions and confessions, rendering you powerless to reap the gains God offers. Complaining focuses on a past you can't change. It keeps you scavenging in yesterday's debris, searching for evidence about 'who did what' and 'when' and 'why', while your present slips fruitlessly away.

Second, complaining is toxic to your relationships: '… Do you not know… a little leaven leavens the whole lump?' (1 Corinthians 5:6 NKJV). Complaining invites others to complain. Injected poison toxifies every part of the body. Subtly, your relationship, your family, your workplace, your church and your environment become polluted. Complaining polarises relationships. People who don't like stress, anxiety and negativity begin to distance themselves from you. 'The tongue has the power of life and death… ' (Proverbs 18:21 NIV) - your life and death, and the life and death of others. So pray, 'Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord… ' (Psalm 141:3 NIV); help me to avoid complaining.

You say, 'But isn't it possible my complaint might be legitimate?' Yes. Injustice, abuse, betrayal, robbery, gossip, libel, prejudice, physical harm against you or your family, and so on, are legitimate causes. 'And if I don't do something about these, won't I be failing in my responsibility?' Right again! You are called to be salt and light in this world, resolving problems that arise by practising spiritual principles in your daily life. To do nothing at such times makes you irresponsible and disobedient to God. But complaining about it is not doing something, not by God's definition. You say, 'All right, since God is against complaining, how do I handle legitimate complaints?'

First, do nothing until you've talked with God. You'll make the right moves if you take time to get the right counsel. Prayer clarifies your options and adjusts your perspectives. It defuses your anger, restoring you to objectivity and rational thinking. Your second move is more likely to succeed if your first move is to seek God for wisdom: '… he should ask God… ' (James 1:5 NIV).

Second, before you say or do anything, carry out an attitude check. Stop and ask yourself, 'What's my real agenda here? Is it to show them that I'm right and they're wrong? Is it to come away looking good while I make them look bad? Is it to win a personal victory or to solve the problem in a way that glorifies God?' Before you speak, check what's in your heart: '… For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart' (Matthew 12:34 NAS). When your heart attitude pleases God, you're ready to handle any legitimate complaint.

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Your Wilderness Revelation

Your Wilderness Revelation
by Martin Schmaltz

Have you ever found yourself wandering in a wilderness?

What is a wilderness place?
It is uninhabited, sparse, sterile place of desolation: characterized by one word - solitude. It is a place you find yourself alone with nothing but your thoughts and emotions. The amazing thing is that you can be in a wilderness experience, yet be in the most populated city.

This is a common place that a child of God will find themselves on their spiritual journey. This wilderness can be initiated in many different arenas: health, ministry, career, provision or relationship. No matter the arena, it is a place we find uncomfortable, sometimes directionless, and just plain barren. (it's ok to say amen here!)

The Purpose Of Your Wilderness
So what is the purpose of our wilderness? May I say, one word: REVELATION. Just like fire purifies silver and gold, the wilderness experience brings to the surface the impurities of our lives. The externals of our lives are stripped away, figuratively or literally, and we come face to face with the real us. It is here, that God encourages us to address ourselves.

When Israel was delivered from Egypt, God did not lead them directly to the Promised Land. He took them on a wilderness tour. It was in this place of isolation that God revealed two things:

The Revelation of Self & The Revelation of Himself.

The Revelation of Self

Our Bondage To The Past

In the wilderness by the Red Sea the situation revealed their bondage to the past. They cried out to go back to their former life. This place revealed that Pharaoh still maintained influence over them, they exhibited a slave mentality. God was pointing out that they might have been out of Egypt, but Egypt was not out of them.

In the business of life, it is easy to keep things hidden in our lives, even from our self. But it is in the wilderness experience our bondage to the past is revealed. When the pressure of the isolation grows, somehow it taps into our weaknesses; feelings of inadequacy and old habits are brought to the surface. We now have the opportunity to address them.

Our Bitterness

In the wilderness area of Marah, God revealed the bitterness that was in the nation of Israel. The situation brought out their disappointment: it was not as they expected. They had gone three days without water, now come to a place they expect refreshing: but it was not what they expected it to be.

The longer we live, the more our expectations for happiness can be crushed: our plans don't seem to work out. Because our wilderness experience is never expected: it can bring out the bitterness of disappointment in us. The long buried injuries and failures of our lives will begin to surface: allowing God to refresh us if we let Him.

Our Hunger

In the wilderness of Sin, Israel experienced a hunger for the things of the past. They longed to get off Gods schedule of development and go back to a place that was comfortable.

It is common knowledge; we really do not like to change. It is the wilderness experiences that cause us to face this truth. It is here we come to understand how comfortable we have become with our familiar lifestyle. Here we also learn to trust God in a place of unknown. Whether it is changing from a life without God or moving forward in His plans, there are times the change is tough and we can begin to look longingly back to what once was.

Revelation of God
In our wilderness experience, seeing our self is a setup for God's revelation of Himself.

In the wilderness experience, God revealed himself to Israel:

* At the Red sea - He delivered them from the bondage of the past.
* In the Wilderness of Shur - he delivered them from bitterness that consumed them.
* In the Wilderness of Sin - He dealt with their hunger for their old comfortably lifestyle.

When the wilderness strips us of ourselves, we come to the place that we can see the Lord and his work in our lives. It is in this place of pain and isolation we can experience the healing and restoration that God offers.
So, embrace your wilderness experience: it is where you will find Him embracing you!

by Martin Schmaltz

Living Waters

Living Waters

Consider a gentle stream says the Lord. A gentle body of water moving slowly through the riverbed. It brings a peace with it and it draws you to rest a while. This is a picture of my presence.

There are times in your life, when you need to experience the power of the waterfall. And this you can experience any time in a meeting or in a revival. However it is the slow and steady stream that feeds your spirit and brings you life.

It is this still stream inside of you that wail give you the strength that you need to walk in this world. So stop looking around you and outside for things to meet your need. Rather stop and sip of the gentle waters that run inside of you.

If you just remain quiet for a while and tap into your spirit, you will find me there. Talking and encouraging you. Giving you direction and showing you the truths in my Word. Look inside of you child! You are carrying the answers you need around with you.

There are many who can give you wisdom and counsel, but it is my still small voice and my gentle presence that will always be there to guide you and to feed you. So take hold of that now. Take a moment to drink of the living waters that I have given to you.

Taste of me and see that I am very good. I will meet your need and bring peace to your heart. I will be with you and never forsake you. I will not let you go or disappoint you. Your answer is right within your spirit. Drink of me this day and walk out full of my peace, joy and love.

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

The Hidden Christ

The Hidden Christ
by Chip Brogden

Jesus, the Christ of God, did not reveal Himself to the world at large, but to a handful of disciples. We ought to ask why He did not appear upon a mountain in blinding light, or descend in a cloud, but was born into the world as a baby in a stable. A few shepherds worshipped Him the night He was born, Simeon and Anna blessed Him in the Temple at His dedication, and two years later some astrologers from the East worshipped Him. But no one else in all the world grasped the significance of this Child. It was hidden from 99.9% of the world.

When Jesus first met Peter, what was Peter’s perception of Jesus? Here is a rabbi who has attracted quite a large gathering of people with His interesting stories and teachings. Very well, there is nothing wrong with that, I’ll even let you borrow my boat while you preach. Did Peter perceive Who this Man really was? Of course not. He called Him “Teacher” and “Rabbi”.

But then the Teacher said to go out into the deep and let down the nets for a catch of fish. Peter must decide whether or not to obey. After all, Peter was a fisherman, and since he had fished all night and caught nothing, what would be the point? What does a carpenter know about fish? Nevertheless, he complied. When he did as Jesus said and let down the nets they caught an abnormally large amount of fish, so much so that their boat threatened to capsize.

To you and me this may sound like a coincidence, or luck. Some might call it a miracle, and it is miraculous, but it is more than a miracle, it is a sign. A sign is a miracle which points to some truth. This is a miracle, but the miracle was not done just for the sake of Peter gaining an abundant supply of fish for his business. It was a sign given by Christ in order to reveal Himself to Peter. In Scriptural language, it is “revealing His glory.” There is nothing glorious in the Son of Man, but in the Son of God we see glory.

Jesus merely said, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch of fish.” Nevertheless, Peter perceived that Jesus was no ordinary man. For when he saw what happened, he fell down and sobbed, “Lord, depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” The One he called Teacher he now calls Lord, and Peter is immediately made to see the contrast of himself, a sinful man, and Christ, the Holy One of God. Everyone else heard the teaching, but Peter saw the Person.

Why would catching a huge net of fish produce this reaction in Peter? Why was he not simply thankful, or happy, or incredulous? What caused him to fall down upon his knees and confess his sin? It was not because Jesus gave him an altar call, or led him in the Sinner’s Prayer, or even asked if He could be his personal savior. It was not necessary, because once Peter’s eyes were opened to see the Real Jesus, he fell to his knees quite naturally.

The object of Christianity is not to give people a teaching or to lead them in a prayer, but to introduce them to a Man. I would rather have thirty seconds of seeing than thirty years of preaching. People can listen to me preach all their life and never understand a word, but if the Lord opens their eyes to SEE Who I am preaching about then they will understand everything.

When people are in your presence, what do they touch – a system of beliefs, a code of conduct, an ethical standard, or a Person? We may have an abundance of words and teachings, but all of them together are nothing but letters if they are not constantly pointing us to a Living Christ.

We have surely failed if we can put together a teaching that is so easy to follow that we do not need to know the Lord Jesus. Unfortunately, when I listen to some people teach, I realize that anyone can put their teaching to good use, whether they know the Lord or not. So the teaching is worthless to the Kingdom of God because it creates no dependency upon Christ as All in All.

Eventually the revelation of Christ moved Peter to make the bold confession that “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus did not teach Peter what to say, He merely revealed Himself to Peter. He did not sit down with His disciples and say, “I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Now repeat that after Me several times, and I will test you on this in the morning.” He did not teach them a catechism or a rosary or a mantra or a confession, He merely revealed Himself to them as He in fact is. They made the confession in due course, having revelation.

The Testimony of Jesus always springs forth from the Revelation of Christ. If we do not have the Revelation then we cannot have the Testimony. That is to say, we cannot bear witness of what we have seen and heard if we have not, in fact, seen or heard anything. We try to get people to confess in order that they may ATTAIN to something, but true confession comes forth naturally after they have OBTAINED it.

Not only was Christ Himself hidden and revealed in degrees, but most of what He taught was hidden. He purposely disguised the truth in parables, and only explained Himself privately to His disciples. Even then, much of what He said was misunderstood, and they failed to grasp the significance of it until after His resurrection, when He opened their minds and hearts to understand, and the Spirit came to bear witness of Christ and teach them inwardly.

When Christ rose from the dead, we would expect Him to present Himself alive to Pilate, to Herod, to Caiaphas, and to the all the people who had Him crucified. But He did not. We see that Christ had the ability to reveal, or not reveal Himself to people. For Mary mistook Him to be the gardener, and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus did not perceive Who He was, because it was hidden from them.

You see that Christ is revealed or hidden from men as He so desires. So many professed disciples of the Lord Jesus fail to recognize Him. The Lord tells them to go to Galilee, but they go to Emmaus. Many people sitting in church would not discern the Lord Jesus if He walked up the aisle and sat down on the altar. They are not really His sheep, therefore they cannot hear His voice, and they do not know Him.

Even His closest disciples are prone to doubt and unbelief. After the resurrection, Thomas declared, “I will not believe unless I see the scars and put my hand into the wound in His side.” When Jesus therefore appeared to them He did not argue or try to convince Thomas. He simply said, “Behold! Look! See my hands and my feet!” When Thomas saw the Lord, he spontaneously cried out, “My Lord, and My God!” This is revelation. Revelation does not require any arguing or convincing, as if it all depends on how well we can make a defense of the Gospel. I see no argument in the Lord Jesus, I only see Him. Seeing Him, I am convinced, and no argument is necessary.

Now we want to impress upon you that the seeing which we talk about is an inward seeing, an inward revelation, an enlightenment of the heart. Jesus told Thomas more blessed than the ones who see with their eyes are those who see with the Spirit, and know and perceive Christ as Lord and God.

There is an apostolic prayer recorded in Ephesians 1 which touches upon this issue:

“I pray that God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the (full)knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and the riches of His inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of His power in us who believe.”

This is a rich prayer. It is very high. There are a couple of lessons for us here.

First, God must reveal His Son to us by way of the Spirit who illuminates our heart. How can we pray the Lord’s Prayer for years and never enter into God’s thought or mind for what it all means? Because we learned to recite the Lord’s Prayer but we did not have the spirit of wisdom and revelation to SEE what we are praying for. But Paul saw it. Who showed it to him? It came to him by revelation from God Himself. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Where and how do they see Him? Their heart is enlightened and thus made pure. In like manner, Paul prays that we too would be given this revelation of Christ.

Second, the word “knowledge” here does not mean head knowledge or facts we can learn from an encyclopedia. It is the Greek word EPI-GNOSIS, which is a compound word more accurately translated, “full-knowledge”. It means to come to a mature, experiential, existential, and complete knowing of Christ. So, Paul is praying – not for sinners, but for people who are already Christians – that God will reveal Christ to them in ever increasing measure so that He may fill all things. It is another way of saying, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.” For this indeed is God’s will, thought, and design for the Church, the earth, and the universe – the whole of creation.

It is amazing to see how many times Paul uses the word “all”. He says the grace of God has appeared to ALL men, that his mission is to make ALL men see, that Christ is to fill ALL in ALL, that ALL things will be gathered together into Christ. God’s end is not the Church, but ALL. The Church is only the beginning. He begins with a man (Abraham), then with a family (Israel), then all the nations. In like manner, God intends to fill the individual, then the Church, then all things.

God has purposely hidden Christ and makes Him available to us only by revelation when we have humbled ourselves as children and forsaken our wisdom. Revelation is sufficient, for if we have the revelation of Christ then we see all we need to see, and if we do not have the revelation of Christ, nothing else will do us any good. The Church is the synthesis of individual disciples who have the revelation of Jesus and have received His Life, and Jesus is building His Church upon the revelation of Himself.

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

His Gentle Breeze

His Gentle Breeze

Even though you cannot see the wind, you can see its effects on the creation around it. There are times that it is a powerful force that brings destruction and other times it is a gentle breeze that brings relief from a hot sunny day.

This is a picture of my work in your life right now my child. Even though there are times you cannot see me, it does not mean that I am not there. For I am working in your circumstances right now and bringing a change on the creation round about you!

I am causing changes in your circumstances and in your relationships, even though you cannot see it. So stop trying to see things with your natural eyes and take a moment to feel the breeze of my spirit in your life.

Look around at the blessings and the good things that I have done. Then you will see that I have not been dormant and that I have not forsaken you. Instead I have continued working, even in the times when you felt you could not work any more.

Even when you failed me. Even when you ran from me. Even when you could not understand. I continue to move in your life and to shape it with my hand. I will never leave you and I will never let you down. Stop looking at your circumstances and the conflicts in your heart and just look to me now, says the Lord.

Look and see that I am indeed doing wonderful things in your life. I will never leave you child. I will never make you face the road ahead on your own. Reach out to me now and let me blow over you with my love and bring you back to life again.