The Immortal Mysterious Eternal Seed
By Bob Mumford www.lifechangers.org
You have been regenerated (born again), not from a mortal origin (seed, sperm), but from one that is immortal by the ever living and lasting Word of God.
Since Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a seed, understanding the reproductive nature of the Kingdom is essential.
The Seed reproduces after its kind. Apple trees produce apples and peach trees produce peaches. The source of this Eternal Seed is not from the earth, nor is its origin mortal as in human sperm, but from One who is immortal by the ever living Word of God. Coming in Seed form, Agape is required to mature or be perfected so that it can find expression and release. When the Kingdom Seed of Agape begins to grow, it brings forth characteristics of the Kingdom—it produces God’s agape as fruit after its kind. This is Paul’s reasoning to the people in Galatia. If we depart from Christ, the fruit or manifestation will be fleshly behavior. If we abide in Christ and water, nourish, and cultivate that Eternal Seed, the fruit will be Agape. Many Greek expositors explain Galatians 5:22 as: But the fruit of the Spirit is Agape out of which there appears joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, godliness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control.
The Seed is incorruptible. Agape enters our person in the form of the incorruptible Seed. Once the DNA is set, it cannot be changed. The Seed has remained the same in all of redemptive history in spite of the efforts of Satan to kill or corrupt it. The new creation and God’s eternal purpose were established before the foundation of the world and are totally dependent on the Eternal Seed. Consequently, God gave us Himself, in the Person of Christ, so that the Seed is the Seed of the Kingdom: uncreated, eternal, incorruptible, and unshakable. Thus, Peter says, “But the word of the Lord endures forever.”
While teaching in a prison one time, something significant happened in me. As I looked at these 60 prisoners, I felt deep internal compassion moving my insides for these men. The Greek word for compassion is splagchnon meaning bowels or to feel deeply, viscerally, or yearn. I felt my deep inner person move uncontrollably with Agape for them. This is the same love that came to us in imperishable and incorruptible Seed form when we were born again. This is what Scripture means by “Christ living in me.” The seed is God’s DNA brought to us in Jesus’ Incarnation, then inseminated in us when we received Christ, and it seeks to grow in us so that He can express Himself to a hurting world.
• How is Agape an incorruptible Seed?
• What are some of the characteristics of the Agape Seed growing in you and your family?
• In what ways is the new creation and God’s eternal purposes dependent upon the Eternal Seed?