Gods Heart To You
by Lana Vawser
I am not sure who this word is for. The Lord impressed this very strongly on my heart tonight. So feel free to pass this on, and may someone be blessed by God's heart for them…..
Do not be dismayed, do not be concerned, for I am the Lord your God and am in control of all things.
I am working for your good and will never allow anything to cross your path that you cannot handle.
This is your season of faith.
This is your season of trust.
This is your season of renewal.
The ashes are being left behind.
The healing is arising.
The tears have been for but a night and now joy shall crown you in the morning.
For as rain falls to the earth and waters all that I have created, so am I releasing My Spirit upon you in greater measure that you may overflow with springs of living water.
Do not shut your eyes to Me anymore from fear.
Do not hide your heart from Me because of the past.
Do not lock yourself away inside yourself for protection, but release yourself to Me and know that I will open doors that you cannot even imagine or dream.
I am with you! I am not far away, I am not a distant stranger, but long to draw you closer to Me than ever before. I want to be your best friend. Stop hiding from Me and come to Me, let Me embrace you.
Lay aside the idols that you have held onto for so long.
Let go of the self-service and seek Me.
Let Me show you who you are.
Let Me show you who you are in Me and I am in YOU.
There is nothing that is impossible for Me.
For I see every sparrow that falls to the ground, and I even clothe the lilies of the valley, so how much more shall I provide for you?
Do not walk away from Me any longer but walk towards Me.
Do not wait at the bottom of the mountain anymore and sit wondering why you are not receiving all that those are around you.
Walk with Me, follow Me, seek Me, listen to Me and I will take you to the mountaintop.
When you reach the top you will sing My praises, you will see who I am, I am your life. You will be transformed.
Never again will you walk with the shame of your youth.
Do not give up hope.
I am hope, I am living inside you!
Lay down your walls of protection and hiding, and reach out to Me.
I am waiting….
Lana Vawser