1 Peter 1:15-16 (NIV)
But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."
The Life of Christ
Just as Christ’s qualities serve to point us in the right direction for our character, Christ’s life provides the major themes that we need to examine in order to properly live our lives. Through a careful review of His life on earth, we can see in action three principles consistently guiding His actions.
First, Christ is mission-driven. From the very start of the New Testament, there is a purpose and focus to His life. Throughout the gospels, everything He does serves a greater purpose. Knowing the time He had was limited, we don’t see any of it wasted.
Jesus was also not interested in achieving personal glory and praise, directing all credit directly to God every time. He was always most concerned with the Kingdom impact of His missions. He was God-focused.
Finally, despite being the Son of God, He does not try to go it alone. Christ consistently calls others to follow Him. Why? Since He had sufficient personal power to accomplish all the tasks before Him, why did He call others? Because He knows that according to the way He created us, it is not good for us to be alone, and Christ, being fully God and fully man, was now playing by the rules He set for us. He knew that in order to accomplish His tasks He would need to be fellowship supported.
Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you to change those areas of your life that are not conforming to Christ’s example.
Ask Yourself
Are you mission-driven? Do you have a purpose that is God-inspired? Are you focused on His desires for your life? Are you a lone ranger Christian or do you have strong support from your brothers and sisters in Christ?
Take Action
Be consistent in prayer this week as you seek God’s will. Pray over the ways that you currently serve and ask Him to reveal how He would have you serve in the future.