Matthew 16:22-23 (NKJV)
Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!”
But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”
Christ Was Focused
During His entire ministry, Jesus was never sidetracked. Whether the distraction came from satan or one of Jesus’ closest friends, Christ would not turn His focus away from what He had to accomplish for the Father.
Think for a moment about Jesus’ refusal to be distracted. Here was a man who had unlimited power at His fingertips and He refused to give up even a little of that power in other pursuits. How much more so should we, who are very limited in our power, be focused on what God would have us accomplish?
It is key for us to understand that once we have identified our God-directed purpose, we can expect the enemy to zero in on us and attempt to distract us. These distractions can take many forms and in some cases they will seem very innocent. In fact, service itself can become a distraction!
How can that be? Some men find it very difficult to turn down opportunities to serve even when it interferes with the ministries they are called to be involved in. We should never assume that every opportunity to serve has to be pursued. Unlike Jesus, we are very finite and have real limitations on how much we can achieve. In order to be as effective as possible for Him, we must be focused sharply on what God would have us accomplish for Him.
If you reflect on people who have done great things for the kingdom, this sharp focus will stick out as a common quality. They followed Christ’s example and stayed focused on their mission despite all distractions, including opportunities that seemed to be Christ-centered.
Because to a man that is focused on his mission from God, it is unacceptable to allow distractions to creep in.
Request wisdom and discernment from God. Ask Him to help clear aside those things which distract you from pursuing His desires.
Ask Yourself
Are you easily sidetracked or discouraged? Do those who mean well sometimes pull you in other directions? Are there things in your life that take your focus off of God?
Take Action
Last week you created a list of items that you occupy your time with and prayed over this list asking God to guide where you should spend your time. Any item that you had listed as a “distraction” that you felt led to remove, take practical steps to eliminate it this week.