Greetings lover of God!
As you probably know, the undimming vision of this ministry is to possess the nature of Christ. Yet, even as we've sought to provide training resources as inexpensively as possible, we still felt that there were some to whom the Lord was reaching out to, but were currently low on finances. Yet, the Holy Spirit has burdened my heart that Christ has many whom He desires to train and empower, and that the calling of God should not be limited to only those who can afford it.
As I sought the Lord, it occurred to me that we could offer the complete text of In Christ's Image Training for free. While this opportunity will not include audios, testing or certification, it will put the powerful core training of ICIT right there into your hands.
Let me say something about the training itself. Over the years, many have asked at different times if I would be able to mentor or personally train them. In response, I felt the Lord underscored four realities I personally experienced that were fundamental to my ongoing spiritual development. I'll call these "grace magnets." What I mean is that walking in these four truths actually attract the grace of God to my life. Remember also that grace is not just unmerited favor, it is the workmanship of God in our lives (see Eph. 2:8-10). We are saved by grace and also changed by grace.
So, what things attract grace (that is, the workmanship of God) to our lives? I narrowed my grace magnets to four principle realities:
1). Passion to be like Christ. Rom 8:28-29. God works all things for the good of our conformity to Jesus Christ. If we expect grace to change us, we must have a vision for the goal God has for us. That goal is Christlikeness.
2). Humility. The Bible says repeatedly that God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud. If we want to change, we must desire humility.
3). Prayer. It is one thing to humble ourselves and become dependent upon God, but prayer liberates us to obtain the promises and provisions of God to meet our needs.
4). Unity. Oneness with other Christians is the first expression of spiritual maturity. We must know the power of Christ in us as individuals, but also the corporate manifestation of Christ, which is actually the substructure of revival. We are to be perfected "into a unit" (John 17). Without the revelation of Christ-centered unity, we have no hope of seeing citywide revival.
It is my heartfelt prayer that you will consider taking the In Christ's Image Training course. Please consider the full training as it comes with 39 audio messages and will lead to certification and eligibility for Level II training . Yet, the free course will bring all four of the above themes into focus, attracting the workmanship of God into your life on a new level.
See below for more information.
Sincerely yours
Francis Frangipane