Minggu, 05 Juni 2011


John 4:37-38 (NKJV)
For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”

Playing Your Role

Your unique characteristics, capabilities, gifts and resources were provided to you with the intent that they be used. More than that, if you are to please God, you must use them in His service. By reading the parable of the talents in light of Luke 12:47-48 we can see that He takes this charge very seriously. Remember, though, that the use of what God has given us, in His service, will fit us well and not feel burdensome. We each fit uniquely into His plan and have a role to play in the spiritual battle that is raging.

All He asks of you is your obedience, using what you have been provided to achieve His goals. Others depend on you, perhaps for their eternal destiny.

Praise God that He cares about you so much that He created a unique plan for you that relies upon your use of your talents. Ask God to continue to refine you and direct you as you walk in His service.

Ask Yourself
Are you using ALL your talents and resources to His glory? Are there any that you hold back from His service in order to serve only you?

Take Action
Identify one area where you could more fully use your talents or resources in His service. Come up with a plan to use them THIS WEEK in a way that will bring glory to Him. Make sure you pray over their use and ask Him to guide these decisions.

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