When the Earth Shakes
Over the past 15 years it has become hard to be unaffected by the massive earthquakes that have rocked our planet. In December 2004, the great South Asian tsunami roared along the Indian Ocean, striking the coastlines of nine nations. More than 250,000 people died, and millions more were left grieving and homeless. Scientists tell us that not only did this great disaster change the landscape of Asia, but it also actually caused the planet to wobble on its axis. Nine and a half months later, in October 2005, another devastating quake struck, this time in the Kashmir region of Pakistan. It killed nearly 80,000 people. Millions again were left without homes or shelter. Then, along with quakes in Chile and New Zealand, the horrific Haitian earthquake struck and another quarter million lives were lost. Lastly, a huge 9.0 quake and subsequent tsunami struck the northeast coast of Japan, raising the specter of a nuclear meltdown and the widespread poisoning caused by radioactive contamination.
is something happening in the earth. Massive earthquakes. Huge death
tolls. Unprecedented storms. It may all be a coincidence, but I cannot
help but call to mind the Lord's word, "Yet once more I will shake not
only the earth, but also the heaven" (Heb. 12:26). There is certainly a
great shaking occurring in the nations.
Jesus warned that "great earthquakes" would be part of a variety of
natural calamities, which He called "birth pangs," that would introduce
the end times (Luke 21:11; Matt. 24:8; Mark 13:8). In other words, He
told us to expect natural disasters to increase both in magnitude and
frequency, as though the earth itself was recoiling against the weight
of sin. As Isaiah said, "The earth is shaken violently. . . . it totters
like a shack, for its transgression is heavy upon it" (Isa. 24:19-20).
we are, indeed, living in the last decades of this present age, we
should not expect the planet to remain calm or tranquil. God will use
these calamities to draw multitudes to Himself, but we should be aware
they will probably grow in severity.
Spiritual Shaking
Thus, the Lord
says in Isaiah, "It will happen in that day, that the Lord will punish
the host of heaven on high, and the kings of the earth on earth" (Isa.
24:21). The last great shaking will affect both the natural and
spiritual realms. Likewise, Jesus warned that during the time of the end
"the powers of the heavens will be shaken" (Matt 24:29). Remember, the
shaking of these powers denotes the "removing" of their place of
influence and rule (Heb. 12:27). In other words, every demonic
stronghold that hinders the coming forth of the kingdom of God on Earth
is ultimately going to be confronted by the power and authority of
Heaven! As disasters increase at the end of the age, so also will fear be multiplied in the world. However, fear will not be our companion if we truly know the Lord. Indeed, it is also during this time the Lord promised that the powers of darkness will be shaken from their position of influence and rule. The Lord will "shake not only the earth, but also the heaven" (Heb. 12:26, emphasis added). This verse is not referring to the highest of heavens where God dwells. The heaven mentioned here refer to the spiritual realm, also known as the "heavenly places" elsewhere in the Bible (Eph. 3:10). These "heavenly places" represent the spiritual dimension from which "the powers . . . the world forces of this darkness . . . the spiritual forces of wickedness" exert their rule over nations (Eph. 6:12).
One may argue,
"These verses refer to the end of the age." Yes, the finality of this
twofold shaking -- things on Earth but also Heaven -- won't reach its
maximum power until just before the Lord returns during the tribulation
I believe it has already begun on a certain level. Consider the former
Soviet Union. Here was the largest geographic empire in the history of
the world; its military was powerful beyond measure. The USSR was avowed
atheistic in nature, and it spread atheism to all nations under its
influence. Yet, in an amazing and unfathomably sophisticated exercise of
the divine will, the Almighty judged the spiritual powers ruling Soviet
Communism. The USSR fell without a violent revolution, without an
insurrection or war, suddenly and dramatically it disintegrated.
Not only did this great empire implode, it was on December 25,
1991, that Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as president of the Soviet Union,
effectively ending the Soviet Communist Party. The next day the Soviet
parliament acknowledged the dissolution of the empire.
What a great and enduring sign! On
Christmas day, the very day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the
demonic power ruling the USSR was shaken and toppled from its place!
Will the Lord's final confrontation against the spiritual powers of wickedness be much more significant? Since the fall of Communism, missiologists tell us that more people have come to Christ worldwide than the sum of all conversions since the first century. Of course, Russia still has its problems, but let us not overlook what has happened: a godless, evil power fell from its place of rule. Since then millions of people have come into God's kingdom! (Anyone feel like shouting here?)
while the physical world will suffer birth pangs, I believe we are
going to see other major "powers in the heavens" come down just as
dramatically as the former Soviet Union. I know it is possible that
Islamic factions will merge and become stronger, but remember, there are
currently millions of Christians praying for Muslims. There are
significant breakthroughs. Indeed, Muslims by the millions are opening
up to the Gospel and finding Christ as their Savior. This is the prayer
frontier God set before us right now and it has only just begun.
believe the awakening that has begun in China is going to explode with
many more millions coming into the Kingdom of God. India, too, will have
a profound awakening. And yes, I believe it is not too late to see
major demonic powers fall in the United States.
are living when, at least on preliminary levels, the "powers of the
heavens" are being shaken. Our prayers and compassionate involvement in
the affairs of life play a major role in toppling these powers of
darkness. If we do not quit praying, we will see significant changes
unfold before our eyes.
let us remember that, even while things on Earth and in Heaven are
being shaken, simultaneously we are receiving "a kingdom which cannot be
shaken." (Heb. 12:28). Beloved, God has an unshakable kingdom to which
He calls us. It is the place where Jesus rules as King, from which place
every knee in Heaven and on Earth shall bow.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The preceding excerpt is adapted from the book The Days of His Presence, by Pastor Frangipane. This book with associated audio resources are currently on sale at www.arrowbookstore.com.
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he would love to give you your choice of any one of his ebooks for free.
One free ebook per household please. (Visit our FAQ page for more information.)
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The Days of His Presence
![]() The Days of His Presence heralds not only the return of the Lord at the Rapture, but also the return of His glory to the church at the end of the age. Supported by Scripture and Francis' prophetic vision, this book will help fill in the gaps in your understanding of the last days; it will help prepare you to receive the fullness of Christ as mankind enters the fullness of time.
Book - $7.75 (Retail $13.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Days of His Presence - Companion Teaching - Audio Series
![]() As the day of the Lord draws near, though darkness covers the earth, the out-raying of Christ's presence shall arise and appear upon His people! This is a companion audio album to the book by the same title. Listen to these original radio messages on their own or as you read the book; either way you will be powerfully impacted.
Message titles:
Days of His Glory | Christ in You
Behind Our Walls | Priority of His Passion In God's Tabernacle
CD Series - $11.00 (Retail $22.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Shelter of the Most High
Book - $7.75 (Retail $13.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Power of One Christlike Life
![]() View Francis introducing this book
Book - $7.75 (Retail $13.50)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Or all three books - $19.00 (Retail $39.50)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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A service of Frangipane Ministries, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations were taken from the NASB. |
Senin, 19 Mei 2014
The Unshakable Kingdom
"You Give Them Something to Eat"
I have come to believe concerning the Lord's glory and its
manifestation in the overcoming church is supported by many Scriptures.
Yet it was through a night vision in 1971 that the Holy Spirit revealed
to me the last hours of this age.
In this
spiritual encounter, I saw a great metropolis languishing under the
weight of a deep and terrible darkness. Chiseled upon the faces of those
in this wretched society was the image of hopelessness. The place was
desolate of real life, and the time for a recovery seemed long past.
was with a group outside the city. We were not part of the darkness but
had been "baptized" in a radiant, powerful light. I actually
experienced the power of this light surging up from my inner being. It
coursed out through our hands like lasers; a visible splendor shone from
our bodies, especially our faces.
Suddenly, a
great multitude began to leave the city and grope toward us -- thousands
of people. Soon all were calling on the name of the Lord. As we laid
our hands upon them and prayed for them, they also received the light.
vision passed, and though I continued to lie in bed, I did not return
to sleep. As dawn broke, I opened my Bible to the book of Isaiah. As a
new Christian, this was the first time I was reading through the Bible. I
turned the page from the previous day's reading and there, for the
first time, I read Isaiah 60. The words bolted into my mind like
lightning, then shook my insides like thunder.
says, "Darkness will cover the earth." This was exactly what I saw in
the vision! It proclaimed, "The Lord will rise upon you, and His glory
will appear upon you," precisely describing what I had seen in the
vision! It was as though I had actually stepped into the future and
experienced a fulfillment of this prophecy. The Holy Spirit and the
Word, working in divine symmetry, revealed that, in spite of the advance
of hell and the increase of judgments, the glory of the Lord would be
unveiled through His people. The result of this last outpouring would be
that multitudes languishing in darkness would come to Christ.
important as the harvest is, however, the primary focus of the vision
was not winning the lost; it was on the ascendancy of Christ's presence
in the church. The Father's priority is that the Lord Jesus be lifted
up: the great harvest will be the result of Christ's presence! It will
not be our programs or methods that bring this harvest in; it will be
the manifest glory of the Lord Jesus.
A Third Witness
The vision of Christ's manifest glory in the overcoming church inspired great hope in me for the future, especially as the Word of God confirmed the vision. Still, one more witness was to come. After I read Isaiah, my next reading in my daily study took me to Matthew, chapter 14. As I read, I paused after verse 15, which reads,
"The disciples came to Him and said, ‘This place is desolate, and the time is already past; so send the multitudes away.'"
Scripture tells the account of when Jesus miraculously fed the five
thousand. As I read, I noticed similarities between the night vision of
the multitudes coming out of darkness and this scene from the Gospels.
Both depicted a place of desolation. Since apparently the "time was
already past," the logical remedy was to "send the multitudes away."
Of course, not
even the most imaginative Christian would ever reference Matthew
14:13-21 with Isaiah 60:1-3. Yet the Lord was speaking something that
has affected me for the rest of my life. The Lord answered: "They do not need to go away; you give them something to eat!" They said to Him, "We have here only five loaves and two fish." And He said, "Bring them here to Me."
result was that "He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking
up toward Heaven, He blessed the food, and breaking the loaves He gave
them to the disciples, and the disciples gave to the multitudes" (Matt.
had taken bread, blessed it, and then broken it. Again I paused. This
time it was because of a peculiarity concerning my last name: in
Italian, Frangipane actually means "to break bread." Was the Lord using the meaning of my name in some way?
that morning, I related the vision and the Lord's promise from Isaiah
to my wife, Denise. I then told her about the feeding of the five
thousand. I mentioned how I felt that during the time of the end, when
the world would seem utterly desolate and lost, the Lord would use us
like He used the loaves to feed the multitudes. Then, in an effort to
underscore the significance of this moment, I explained to her that my
last name, Frangipane, actually meant "to break bread." It was at that point my wife told me the meaning of her maiden name, Piscitelli. Incredibly, her name meant "little fishes."
Little is Much With Jesus
Long before God had called Noah, Abraham, Moses, and many others in the Bible, He had affirmed the foreknowledge of His eternal purpose in the meaning of their names. For us He did likewise: He revealed the DNA of our destiny in the meaning of our names!
the vision, the text in Isaiah, and the meaning of our names, I am
convinced that a period of great glory and harvest awaits the church.
Through the account of Christ's feeding the multitudes, the Lord also
warned us to expect that people without a similar vision will,
unknowingly, try to dampen our spirits. In this regard, you may have
read criticism of this ministry on the Internet. Every critic is angry
about this one primary doctrine that I teach, that there is one last
great outpouring coming before the church is raptured. I rejoice in this
persecution! The fact is, while the critics seek to distort and
slander, the vision of the great harvest is continuing in nations around
the world.
when Christians complain the harvest "is already past," or that society
has become too "desolate," it would be an error to say we must "send
the multitudes away." The Lord has made it plain: it will not be too late or desolate for Him.
Lord has proven many times that as Christians we do not need to
stockpile resources before we attempt the "impossible." As long as we
remain blessed and broken in the hands of the Master, our few
loaves and fish are enough. What we have learned is that Jesus does not
need a lot to work His miracles; He just requires all we have.
the hour is late; true, our cities are desolate and in darkness. Yet
Jesus still speaks powerfully to my spirit. As little qualified as we
may be, if we truly give our all to Christ, He will bless us and break
us, and then fill us with glory to reach multitudes.
Indeed, what He said to His disciples, He says to all: The multitudes do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The preceding excerpt is adapted from the book The Days of His Presence, by Pastor Frangipane. This book with associated audio resources are currently on sale at www.arrowbookstore.com.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you are
financially unable to purchase a product by Pastor Frangipane, he would
love to give you your choice of any one of his ebooks for free. One free
ebook per household please. (Visit our FAQ page for more information.)
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on specially priced spiritual resources
The Days of His Presence
![]() The Days of His Presence heralds not only the return of the Lord at the Rapture, but also the return of His glory to the church at the end of the age. Supported by Scripture and Francis' prophetic vision, this book will help fill in the gaps in your understanding of the last days; it will help prepare you to receive the fullness of Christ as mankind enters the fullness of time.
Book - $7.75 (Retail $13.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Days of His Presence - Companion Teaching - Audio Series
![]() As the day of the Lord draws near, though darkness covers the earth, the out-raying of Christ's presence shall arise and appear upon His people! This is a companion audio album to the book by the same title. Listen to these original radio messages on their own or as you read the book; either way you will be powerfully impacted.
Message titles:
Days of His Glory | Christ in You
Behind Our Walls | Priority of His Passion In God's Tabernacle
CD Series - $11.00 (Retail $22.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Shelter of the Most High
Book - $7.75 (Retail $13.00)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Power of One Christlike Life
![]() View Francis introducing this book
Book - $7.75 (Retail $13.50)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Or all three books - $19.00 (Retail $39.50)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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A service of Frangipane Ministries, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations were taken from the NASB. |
The Earth Is Full of God's Glory, Part 1
are many legitimate reasons to seek God, and the Lord graciously
receives them all. Yet it is only because we do not truly know Him that
our motivation is primarily crisis-driven. Let us, therefore, boldly
bring our needs to Him, but let us also lift our eyes higher and behold
the One who helps us. For if we will truly seek the Lord's glory, we
will discover, in hindsight, that all our needs are met as well.
is not enough to know God exists. If we will live in the awareness of
the heavenly, we must be freed from the boundaries of the earthly. To
awaken faith, the Holy Spirit will take us through times when the
presence of God cannot be clearly discerned. The Lord's goal during
these times is to bring to maturity our spiritual senses.
Therefore do not accept that God has permanently hidden Himself from you, though during trials it may seem so. He is teaching us to see in the dark and to hear in the silence. He is making Himself known to our inner man so that, regardless of outer circumstances, we can continually be led by His Spirit.
see God, beloved, it is imperative that our vision become spiritual and
not just sensory. To hear God, we must learn to tune out the clamor of
our fears and earthly desires. The outcome of this inner spiritual
working is an increasing perception that nothing is impossible for God.
The time of darkness, though it comes as an enemy, actually compels us
to seek God more earnestly; we learn to revere God's light even more. Never
mistake temporary darkness for permanent blindness, for today's
training is the very process that opens us to see God's glory.
Ultimately, we will see and discover the truth of what Isaiah wrote,
that "the whole earth is full of [God's] glory" (Isa. 6:3).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
![]() The preceding excerpt was taken from Pastor Frangipane's book And I Will Be Found by You. A few months ago a new version was published by Passio, a division of Charisma Media. To make way for this new edition, we are offering the original version for just $5.67 (a 58% discount). Limited quantities so act soon, especially if you want bulk quantities.
Clearance - Save 58%
Book - $5.67 (Retail $13.50)
If you are
financially unable to purchase a product by Pastor Frangipane, he would
love to give you your choice of any one of his ebooks for free, or for
whatever you can afford. One free eBook per household please. (Visit our
FAQ page for more information.)
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A service of Frangipane Ministries, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations were taken from the NASB. |
10 Reasons Why Marriages Are In Trouble
10 Reasons Why Marriages Are In Trouble
Everyone in marriage is a single destructive decision away from being unfaithful. This is why we need to periodically re-visit the model God established for marriage with Adam and Eve. In January, Dr. Crawford Loritts, senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church, provided the following 10 Reasons Why Marriages Are In Trouble:- Immaturity – As parents, we need to trumpet reality to our children, not a dream. Because we confuse protection with development, we are raising a generation of children who are unprepared for mature adult relationships.
- Lack Of Spiritual Maturity To Judge The Character Of Our Mate
- Selfishness
- Passive Men Without Much Drive – Men must leave home physically, emotionally and financially prior to taking on the responsibility of a family.
- Historical Inability For Meaningful Communication – This is a by-product of growing up in broken homes.
- Fear Of and A Lack Of Intimacy
- Lack Of Connectedness With A Desire For 2 Separate Lives
- Lack Of Purposeful Family Development
- Technology Hinders Ability To Communicate Face-to-Face
- Not Accepting Responsibility For Marriage Problems – Happily married couples are not objective when it comes to their spouse. We address issues but have each other’s back.
- To Provide Companionship
- To Carry On The Human Race
- We Are To Reflect And Carry God’s Image
- To Help Our Spouse
- Parents, Address And Get Rid Of Your Own Sin
- Do Not Worship Your Children
- Do Not Compare Your Children With Each Other
- Do Not Advocate For Your Kids Beyond What Is Right
- Allow Your Children To Experience The Consequences For Their Lies, Deceit And Mistakes
The Earth Is Full of God's Glory, Part 2
Lord, Show Me Thy glory!
Some teach that as long as we are living on this side of eternity, seeing the glory of God is a false hope, even a heresy. I say, beware of any teacher who promotes doctrines of unbelief! Such people would have you accept a religion about Christ without access to Christ, as though to see God's glory was sin.
the Bible was written by individuals who beheld the glory of God. Did
not Moses endure "as seeing him who is invisible" (Heb. 11:27 KJV)? Did
not Jesus Himself say, "If you believe, you will see the glory of God"
(John 11:40)? To see the glory of God is our call as well. Our spiritual
vision is not an imaginary device but that which comes from the living
union of the Holy Spirit with our hearts. Did not our Lord promise that
the "pure in heart … shall see God" (Matt. 5:8)? Is it not reasonable to
expect that, if Christ truly dwells within us, we ought to perceive
life with unveiled minds? Just as it is written: "But we all, with
unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the
Lord, the Spirit" (2 Cor. 3:18).
if we remove the veils of sin, shame and self-absorption, and if we
persist in seeking God, staying focused upon His Spirit and Word, we
should expect to see the glory of the Lord. Such open perception is
biblical and should be pursued!
how many in the Bible actually saw the glory of the Lord! Abraham saw
the Christ's glory while he was in Mesopotamia. Isaiah beheld Him in the
year King Uzziah died. Ezekiel fell before the Living One by the river
Chebar. David, Habakkuk, Solomon, and Zechariah all saw the glory of the
Lord (Acts 7:2; Isa. 6:1; Ezek. 3:23; 2 Sam. 6:2; Hab. 3:3; 2 Chron.
7:1; Zech. 1:8).
beheld Him, then Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy Hebrew elders as
well. Exodus tells us these men actually "saw the God of Israel." The
Bible describes this incredible scene, saying that "under [God's] feet
there appeared to be a pavement of sapphire, as clear as the sky itself"
(Exod. 24:10). The concluding thought is staggering; it reads, "And
they saw God, and they ate and drank" (v. 11).
of it: They beheld God! Could anything be more wonderful? Is there not a
jealousy within you for that experience -- to actually gaze upon the
God of Israel?
assured, to behold the Lord's glory is both scriptural but typical,
especially during the pivotal decades between ages (which is where we
are today). The fact is, over six million Israelites saw God's glory on
Mount Sinai. Young men, old women, and little children -- people of
every age and physical condition -- all saw "the glory of the Lord [as
it] rested on Mount Sinai" (Exod. 24:16). These same people actually
"heard the [audible] voice of God" speaking to them (Deut. 4:33)!
that unveiling of God's glory on Sinai was not a momentary event. The
entire Hebrew nation followed a cloud of glory by day and was
illuminated by a blazing pillar of fire-like glory at night. This
happened not just once or twice but every day for forty years!
How much more shall the Lord of glory manifest Himself to us at the end of the age?
you are a God-seeker, there should be a living expectation that, in a
variety of ways, God will open your eyes to behold His glory. True,
there will be times of darkness when the Spirit develops your faith, yet
such times are exceptions. As a beloved child of God, you should carry
in your heart an anticipation that any day now -- as you enter your
prayer room or go for a walk -- the Spirit of God will answer the cry of
your heart: "Lord, show me Thy glory!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
![]() The preceding excerpt was taken from Pastor Frangipane's book And I Will Be Found by You. A few months ago a new version was published by Passio, a division of Charisma Media. To make way for this new edition, we are offering the original version for just $5.67 (a 58% discount). Limited quantities so act soon, especially if you want bulk quantities.
Clearance - Save 58%
Book - $5.67 (Retail $13.50)
If you are
financially unable to purchase a product by Pastor Frangipane, he would
love to give you your choice of any one of his ebooks for free, or for
whatever you can afford. One free eBook per household please. (Visit our
FAQ page for more information.)
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A service of Frangipane Ministries, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations were taken from the NASB. |
The Earth Is Full of God's Glory, Part 3
I Was Always Beholding the Lord
David revealed a profound truth concerning his relationship with the Lord. He said, "I saw the Lord before me {continually}, for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken" (Acts 2:25 LEB). There was something in David's heart -- call it a spiritual radar -- that caused him to continually perceive the Lord. This inner awareness caused the king to see the Lord outwardly in all phases of life. In spite of conflicts, death threats, betrayal and fear, David was always beholding the Lord.
another time, perhaps while he was watching a sunset with brilliant
rays of light exploding from behind clouds, David had a revelation: The
sky wasn't just a canopy of light and color covering the earth. It was,
in fact, a declaration of the very glory of God (Ps. 19:1).
too often we do not fill our minds with the glorious things of God;
instead, our minds are filled with anxious thoughts and desires.
Sometimes we just need to stop, pause, and look at the wonders of God's
creation. There are times when I will lie on the lawn on a cloudless
night and let my worship of God soar into the awareness of the moon and
stars. Surrounding us are billions of stars and galaxies, all designed
and created by our God. He is utterly amazing!
earth, the surrounding skies -- the very mystery and miracle of life
itself -- all bear witness to a Creator so unlimited in His abilities
that men, regardless of their cultural or religious background, have no
excuse to not honor Him. Our world is a kaleidoscope of wonders and
divinely engineered realities, fitly joined together that showcase the
greatness of God.
also Paul's words, that the invisible attributes of God -- His eternal
power and divine nature -- are "clearly seen, being understood through
what has been made" (Rom. 1:20).
God's nature and power are "clearly seen . . . through what has been made." So, have you seen today the glory of God?
Jesus and Nature
To possess the mind and nature of Christ means many things to us, but do we include in our definition of Christlikeness the love of creation? Christ loved Planet Earth. He often spent nights praying, and then ultimately sleeping, beneath the stars. Indeed, He spent forty days in the wilderness, even among "wild animals" (Mark 1:13 LEB). As night fell, He didn't return to a campground. Rather, He lay gazing upon the bejeweled, celestial sky. Indeed, Jesus frequently drew revelation about the Father from the observable world around Him. He told His disciples to "consider the lilies" (Luke 12:27) and spoke of God's love and care, even for the sparrows (v. 6). He saw miracles of life contained within the power of a simple seed, and He made this revelation a centerpiece of His teaching (Matt. 13).
many of the Lord's greatest sermons were presented, not in the temple
or behind the pulpit of a local synagogue, but at lakesides or on
hilltops. And we think of Gethsemane as the place where Jesus sweat
blood in prayer, but Gethsemane was a garden, and the Bible tells us
that Jesus "often met there with His disciples"(John 18:2). I love the
fact that the Lord routinely found joy among flowers and landscaping,
and that He brought His disciples there to teach them.
not only was the setting of a garden a familiar place for Jesus while
He was alive, but even in death His tomb was set in the midst of a
garden (John 19:41). In fact, when He rose from the dead, a distressed
Mary thought Him to be the gardener (John 20:15).
obviously saw the creation as an echo of the Father's heart. He found
in nature a place, a quiet place, to seek and find communion with God.
Finally, it is of a great truth that mankind was born in a garden.
"And Yahweh God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed" (Gen 2:8 LEB).
This is the wonder of a world filled with wonders: God Himself planted a garden.
He planted trees and flowers, plants and grasses. I think, in my
opinion, He likely put His hands in the soil and spoke to the seeds and
"caused to grow every tree that was pleasing to the sight and good for
food. And the tree of life was in the midst of the garden" (v. 9).
today many are wearied from battle and wasted from warfare. Yes, we
should find solace in God alone, but may we also seek God surrounded by
His creation? If you don't have a garden, plant one. Create a sanctuary
in your yard or go to a local park. A God-seeker carries in his heart an
appreciation for the world our Father has given us. Our planet is
spectacularly beautiful. Remember: the living God is "clearly seen . . .
through what has been made."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
![]() The preceding excerpt was taken from Pastor Frangipane's book And I Will Be Found by You. A few months ago a new version was published by Passio, a division of Charisma Media. To make way for this new edition, we are offering the original version for just $5.67 (a 58% discount). Limited quantities so act soon, especially if you want bulk quantities.
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A service of Frangipane Ministries, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations were taken from the NASB. |
When Kings Go Out to Battle
Beware of a Passive Spirit
Scripture contains many examples of David's valor. As a young man, for instance, while others trembled, David was ready and eager to face Goliath. David is an example of one whom God chose, whose passions for God sustained him for most of his life.
Scripture contains many examples of David's valor. As a young man, for instance, while others trembled, David was ready and eager to face Goliath. David is an example of one whom God chose, whose passions for God sustained him for most of his life.
David also provides for us an example of what can happen even to good
people when we surrender to a passive spirit. For there was an occasion
when David did not pursue his enemies, and the consequences were grave. It happened because he allowed a passive spirit to subdue his will.
it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle,
that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel, and they
destroyed the sons of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. But David stayed at
Jerusalem" (2 Sam.11:1).
a time of war, the king allowed a passive spirit into his soul. Soon we
find this great warrior king almost helpless to resist the unfolding
spiritual attack.
when evening came David arose from his bed and walked around on the
roof of the king's house, and from the roof he saw a woman bathing; and
the woman was very beautiful in appearance" (2 Sam. 11:2).
woman was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. From the moment David accepted
the influence of that passive spirit, his resistance was weakened. A
paralysis of conscience occurred. Scripture says that "when evening came
David arose from his bed." Perhaps it was customary to rest in the
afternoon, but it strikes me as inconsistent for David to nap while his
men fought. It is possible that this nap was not a response to a bodily
need, but an expression of the slumber that gripped his soul. He was in
bed until "evening."
heaviness of soul resting on David was actually part of a larger,
synchronized spiritual attack. The other part of that battle was the
quiet, inner prompting that stirred Bathsheba to bathe in a place where
David could see her. Finally, David, unable to resist and in defiance of
his noble qualities, "sent messengers and took her, and when she came
to him, he lay with her" (2 Sam. 11:4).
Dear friend, remember: This terrible moral failure was not driven by David's lust or flagrant rebellion to God. A passive spirit introduced David to his sin! The problem was simply that, in a time when the kings went forth to war, David stayed at home.
He Is Raising a War Cry
We ourselves are in a time of war. The Spirit of God is calling us to fight for our souls as well as our families, churches and cities. Indeed, God's Word reveals that "The LORD will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies" (Isa. 42:13).
We ourselves are in a time of war. The Spirit of God is calling us to fight for our souls as well as our families, churches and cities. Indeed, God's Word reveals that "The LORD will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies" (Isa. 42:13).
that holy fight in you? Is there a war cry in your spirit? If you are
born again, that cry is within you, even if it has been muted by
will never succeed as overcomers without carrying in our spirits the
war cry of God. We must stop resisting the call to prayer; we must
embrace the reality of spiritual warfare; and we must fight with the
weapons of warfare that God has given us, both for our own progress and
also on behalf of those we love.
the moment you surrender your will to a passive spirit, you should
anticipate that a temptation appropriate to your weakness will soon
follow. It may not be Bathsheba; it may be pornography on the Internet.
Or it may be a coworker who begins to look attractive at a time when you
and your spouse are struggling. Whatever the area of weakness in your
life, Satan will seek to exploit that area. Remember, the enemy's first
line of attack likely will not be bold and obvious. He will first work
to disarm you with a passive spirit. If the enemy succeeds in his
assault, you will find yourself wrapped up in something that can
devastate you and your loved ones.
may argue, "I'm walking with God. I'm a bond-servant of the Lord. I'm
not vulnerable." Remember what the Lord warned the church in Thyatira:
"I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls
herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray
so that they commit acts of immorality" (Rev. 2:20) .
was concerned, not only for the corrupting influence of Jezebel in the
world; He was concerned that the leaders of the church had grown
tolerant. More, her seductions not only targeted the wayward or new
believers, but she led God's bond-servants astray.
the Book of Proverbs, King Solomon also exposes this spirit. He does
not use the name Jezebel, but instead, describes her as "the woman of
folly" (Prov. 8:13). He says she calls out "to those who pass by, who
are making their paths straight: Whoever is naive, let him turn in here"
is this spirit after? It seeks to corrupt those who are trying to make
their paths straight. Do not think that such corruption could not happen
to you should you turn lukewarm. Indeed, the very man who exposed this
spirit in the Bible, King Solomon, later fell into both idolatry and
immorality, two primary manifestations of the Jezebel spirit (Rev.
it is springtime here in the northern hemisphere. It is that time of
the year when seduction begins to call out "to those who pass by." Let
us not become passive in a time of war. Rather, let us fight for our
nation, our cities, our families and, especially, our own souls.
It is time for kings to go to war.
Now What? First S-T-E-P for New Christians
By Kenny Luck

You’ve done it. Stepped over the line and accepted God’s free gift of love and salvation, deciding to become a follower of Jesus Christ. You may feel different, forgiven and ready to start a new life. Or you may feel pretty much the same, but with a whole lot of new questions that come with a decision to do life God’s way.
Either way, the next question is…
Now what?
For new Christians, walking from their “decision” on wobbly spiritual legs, the next few moments, hours, and days can seem bewildering. There’s new vocabulary confusion, or “Christian-ese” that’s easier for theologians to understand than those who have just begun their journey spiritually. And it may seem like every Christian veteran has unsolicited advice for you.
So Every Man Ministries wants to provide some “crawl” steps on your way to what we pray will be a strong walk with God.
S – Start developing your relationship with God.
The entire “Christian” conversation, and the most distinctive part of our faith, is focused on God’s desire to have a relationship with us. He wants to be your friend and heavenly father. He wants you to know him, which is a deeply personal connection. At first, God may seem like a distant being, but He’s not. He’s very available. The more you know him, the more you will love Him and many, many other benefits will come. To know God you need to be with God.
The first, best way to know God is to read, and/or listen to the Bible, which is also referred to as God’s “Word” or “Scripture.” We have created a special series just for this purpose called Digging Deep, which will help you interact, engage, and apply God’s word. Consider God’s word daily bread you can’t live without.
- Beginner’s Tip: New Christians may want to get a Bible designed for “new believers” that offer how the Bible is organized, how to find certain passages, provide interpretation, and additional sections to answer some of the more common questions we all wrestle with. Also, don’t get bogged down trying to read the Bible cover to cover, and save books like “Deuteronomy” and “Numbers” for later on, because these are historical oriented and demonstrate the validity of the context. Instead, start with the New Testament, learning about the life and teachings of Jesus.
The words “pray” and “talk” are used interchangeably. Prayer is just talking to God, and it doesn’t have to be poetic, master-minded or perfectly worded. Just authentic. Share your concerns, hopes, dreams. Ask Him for what you need and want. He promises to hear your prayers, and answer them. But the answer may not always be the answer you’re hoping for. If you are at a loss of how to pray, don’t feel alone. Even Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach him how to pray. Read Matthew 6:8-14.
- Beginner’s Tip: You may want to start a “Journal” to record certain prayers, requests, thoughts etc. Over time, you will begin to see that God is answering your prayers in marvelous ways.
You are now a part of God’s family, which means a spiritual connection with God and other people. Find a church that studies the Bible. Join a men’s group where you can get insight and encouragement from other men (unless you’re a woman). You will find there is strength in numbers, and a community that cares.
- Beginner’s Tip: Test any advice you receive by comparing it with what the Bible says, and ask God to help you understand whatever “teaching” you receive. We developed this site, and filled the Media Vault with tons of material, organized by topic for you. You may want to invite one other man to tap into this resource, and discuss it together from time to time.
Developing a relationship with your maker needs to become a top priority. Soon, you will see why. His love, protection, provision, wisdom, comfort and joy are just a few examples of how He will justify being your new priority in life. This paradigm shift may not happen overnight, so you will need to take time from your day to sit and seek him. Take time from your week to meet with other Christian men, go to church. Find answers to your questions about God, creation, heaven and hell, the spiritual battle going on, your purpose, and yes, even God’s perspective on money.
- Beginner’s Tip: Start your day by talking to God, reading the Bible and reflecting on your day. You may need to set aside a quiet space, and a few moments, but it’s a small step that will leap your forward in your faith. We have created a special series called “Face Time” to help you see both the value and priority of putting God first in all things.
photo credit: ezioman
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