Senin, 19 Mei 2014

10 Reasons Why Marriages Are In Trouble

10 Reasons Why Marriages Are In Trouble

Everyone in marriage is a single destructive decision away from being unfaithful.  This is why we need to periodically re-visit the model God established for marriage with Adam and Eve.  In January, Dr. Crawford Loritts, senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church, provided the following 10 Reasons Why Marriages Are In Trouble:
  1. Immaturity – As parents, we need to trumpet reality to our children, not a dream.  Because we confuse protection with development, we are raising a generation of children who are unprepared for mature adult relationships.
  2. Lack Of Spiritual Maturity To Judge The Character Of Our Mate
  3. Selfishness
  4. Passive Men Without Much Drive – Men must leave home physically, emotionally and financially prior to taking on the responsibility of a family.
  5. Historical Inability For Meaningful Communication – This is a by-product of growing up in broken homes.
  6. Fear Of and A Lack Of Intimacy
  7. Lack Of Connectedness With A Desire For 2 Separate Lives
  8. Lack Of Purposeful Family Development
  9. Technology Hinders Ability To Communicate Face-to-Face
  10. Not Accepting Responsibility For Marriage Problems – Happily married couples are not objective when it comes to their spouse.  We address issues but have each other’s back.
To have successful marriages, we must remember God’s model and that He created us with lack which is found in marriage.  Being alone, we discover The 4 Purposes For Marriage:
  1. To Provide Companionship
  2. To Carry On The Human Race
  3. We Are To Reflect And Carry God’s Image
  4. To Help Our Spouse
To raise young men who will not be passive adults but rather Godly leaders in their home, please note the following 5 Lessons For Parents Raising Children For The Next Generation:
  1. Parents, Address And Get Rid Of Your Own Sin
  2. Do Not Worship Your Children
  3. Do Not Compare Your Children With Each Other
  4. Do Not Advocate For Your Kids Beyond What Is Right
  5. Allow Your Children To Experience The Consequences For Their Lies, Deceit And Mistakes
Please know I will be praying for everyone who reads this post that you will have a happy, fulfilling, God-honoring marriage and raise children who will experience the same.

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