Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

The Purpose of God

Hasil gambar untuk The Purpose of God
The Purpose of God
(En EspaƱol)
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Rom. 8:28).
Even before I came to Christ the phrase, "it all works for good," was a familiar coping mechanism for life's ills. Yet this thought is not a promise for everyone. What I mean is that there are many things in life -- horrible things -- that are not working for good: Millions die who do not go to Heaven. Others languish in prolonged agony, suffering from unspeakable diseases or physical trauma. What of abortion, human trafficking and drug addiction? Do these work for good?
You see, Romans 8:28 is not a promise directed to all. Even for Christians the promise does not become fully functional until we learn, in the midst of all things, to "love God," and in loving Him, we embrace the calling to live "according to His purpose." And what, specifically, is that purpose that descends into our life challenges, reversing the effects of evil and marshals good to triumph in every circumstance? The next verse in Romans explains:
"For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn of many brethren" (v. 29).
Beloved, do not skim past this verse, for it contains the very core reason for our existence. Our Father's purpose is that "many brethren" come forth in the "image of His Son." You see, possessing the likeness of Christ is the reason of our existence.
Over the years I have seen a great many Christians float through life, sleepwalking, inattentive to the vision of Christlikeness. They are held captive to bad habits, sin and deception. In response to this passive, condition, and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we built our online school, In Christ's Image Training. I believe this training is like an archer's bow; it will launch you into a new level in attaining your purpose in life. However, the arrow that determines how far and how high you will fly will be your vision and steadfastness in the Holy Spirit.
Finally, the world needs to see and experience Christians that manifest Christ's nature and demonstrate His power. Imagine Christ manifest through us in our inner cities, in Washington DC, or there in your local church and community. I believe in this very hour of darkness the Holy Spirit seeks to bring many sons to glory and thus fulfill the purpose of God.

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