Jumat, 07 November 2014

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

Remember child, that you do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness and things that are unseen. When the pressures get tough and you feel crushed on every side, know that you have weapons of warfare that the enemy must bow down to.
Know that the enemy of your soul comes to kill and destroy and to wear you down, so do not spend your strength striving against flesh and blood and being down trodden by circumstances. But in that moment, remember that you are a child of the King and have available to you, heavenly things that this world does not know.
Pick up your sword and speak a word of authority and then satan and his servants will bow down before you. Do not accept defeat and lack, but stand in my name. For when you speak forth a decree, it shall be done for you. Stand up and fight my child, for I have given you the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and a sword that will divide and conquer. I have given you My name and when you speak it, every circumstance and all spiritual opposition will bow.
Know my child, that you are not a victim, but that you are more than a conqueror. As you speak my words and my will, I will release my angels on your behalf – to fight for you. Take up your sword then and realize that you already have the victory. It is yours for the taking! Amen.

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