Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Fixed Point

Fixed Point

Sailors used the stars to navigate the oceans. Explorers used natural landmarks like rivers and mountain peaks to mark their journeys. Early on, travelers learned the value of knowing the fixed points of the landscape to guide their journeys.
fixed-point Navigation requires a fixed point—a lighthouse, a star, a mountain, a river—something that will always be at the same place no matter what else may happen in our world. Can you imagine the confusion if the Rocky Mountains changed places? What if at times they were out west and at other times, they might be in the Deep South? How could we ever know where we are, much less which way we need to go? No, we need some things in our lives that never change…like the Rocky Mountains.
Spiritual journeys, like all other journeys, require fixed points also—things that never change—in order for us to find our way. Spiritual journeys are hard enough on their own, but what makes them more difficult is the lack of fixed points to map our progress. The world offers a variety of mile markers for the journey such as fashion, money, fame, adrenaline-charged hedonism, but none of these are fixed. They keep moving. If you make $1, then you have to make $2. If you win a trophy, you have to win another one or the public will forget all about you. These markers of achievement never stay put.
Instead of giving you a reference point, these false markers lead you in an empty chase for meaning and hope. You can’t find your way home because you’re never quite sure where you are.
And if you’re not quite sure where you are, you never really know which way to go.
That’s one of the reasons we trust Jesus. He never changes. We always know exactly where we are and which way we need to go in relationship to where Jesus is. We can tell if something brings us closer to Him or takes us further away from Him.
Jesus doesn’t change. His Word doesn’t change. That’s why Christ followers are so confident in the journey. Jesus is our fixed point. He never changes, so we always know exactly where we are and exactly which way leads home.

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